Holistic Modeling Approach for Oil & Gas Upstream Processes

In this webinar, you will discover how Inprocess’ innovative approach of integrating flow assurance and process dynamic simulations using IFLOW can optimize equipment sizing, enhance controllers’ parameters, and set precise alarm limits to ensure seamless facility operations.

ITOP-Practical Process Equipment Training

A comprehensive and engaging training tool designed specifically for operations staff in the chemical and hydrocarbon processing industries. It combined theory sessions, 3D animation, interactive virtual labs, and enables progress tracking with exercises.

Holistic Process Digital Twins: Benefits of integrating pipeline and top-side process models

Inprocess oral contribution to SLB Digital Forum 2022 held in September 2022. This presentation conducted by Dr. Michael Brodkorb explains how to analyze the dynamic behavior and interaction between wells, remote stations,

ITOP: Inprocess Training for Operators

ITOP is the Inprocess approach to the education of operators and young engineers in subjects such as Process Engineering and Unit Operations. This approach combines process simulation-based exercises with classroom training, motivating attendees to experience complex theory subjects through hands-on exercises.

ICOM: Inprocess Competence Management System

ICOM is a powerful software tool aimed at managing, expanding and confirming the proficiency of your workforce, specifically the operators in the chemical and hydrocarbon processing industries.

Inprocess Infrastructure Suite

One of the key components of an Operator Training System is the station from where the instructor leads and monitors the training sessions. Inprocess has developed an instructor station software that allows users to

Cómo aumentar la seguridad de los procesos al mejorar la adquisición y retención de conocimientos de los operadores de planta química a través del uso de contenidos formativos digitales

Inprocess presenta con casos de éxito reconocibles, cómo hemos ayudado a operadoras químicas en la consecución de mayor seguridad en la planta, gracias a la planificación y diseño de la formación de los operadores, con nuestras soluciones y tecnologías innovativas.