Imitate to understand
Over the past 10 years the use of dynamic process simulation has been established as a reliable and effective tool to analyse transient behaviour of process systems.
Over the past 10 years the use of dynamic process simulation has been established as a reliable and effective tool to analyse transient behaviour of process systems.
Flare and relief systems commonly found in processing plants in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries are constantly under examination.
The European Union 10-ppm sulfur fuel regulations present various challenges for operating and controlling refinery desulfurization units. Repsol has been using simulation to mitigate some of these challenges. In a joint project with AspenTech, the two companies developed a rigorous steady-state and dynamic Aspen HYSYS® model of Repsol’s Puertollano refinery’s hydrodesulfurization (HDS) unit.
There are different situations for which it is necessary to re-evaluate the capacity of a site\’s existing flare system.
La estimación de los caudales de alivio de presión en la cabeza de las columnas de destilación resulta de cálculo complicado debido a la naturaleza de estas unidades, donde la composición cambia a lo largo de la columna y del tiempo.
Rigorous Simulation helps engineers to understand and identify process dynamics and interactions in a riskfree environment; in addition, it also allows the evaluation and tuning of advanced controllers before they are commissioned.