Dynamic Analysis of the Turboexpander Dew Point Unit with Aspen HYSYS
Joint oral contribution to Aspentech’s Users Conference Optimize held in Houston, TX (USA) in April 2017
Joint oral contribution to Aspentech’s Users Conference Optimize held in Houston, TX (USA) in April 2017
Joint oral contribution to Aspentech’s Users Conference Optimize held in Houston, TX (USA) in April 2017
The definition of a Control System in Chemical and Petrochemical Plants requires specific know-how with the target of optimizing and improving existing systems and designing new ones. When designing a system, it is necessary to follow some basic steps such as modelling the system, analysing such model, designing the system/controller and finally
Joint oral contribution to the Oil & Gas Training and Simulation forum held in June 2017 in Aberdeen (Scotland), UK
Inprocess delivered a complete dynamic simulation model of the turboexpander for an EPC company. This simulation was key in testing several operational scenarios for various normal and upset conditions ant to ensure the operability of a Turboexpander Dew Point Unit.
The paper describes the steps that should be taken during a flare network capacity assessment, using both a conventional approach or dynamic simulation.
The oil and gas industry has witnessed seismic downward shifts in barrel prices and uplifts in market competitiveness.
Miquel Angel Alós, explains how dynamic simulation can help maximise plant performance and deliver cost savings on new plant projects.
Miquel Angel Alós, PhD, Inprocess, explains how operations teams in the oil and gas industry can use dynamic simulation to avoid disruptions and minimise the impact of unnecessary costs on real plant operations.
In a previous project, Inprocess developed a high-fidelity dynamic simulation model, including all topside equipment with detailed design data. Taking advantage of the existing model, Inprocess carried out a Lifecycle approach for the Operator Training System (OTS) of the FPSO, comprising three phases