Lifecycle Modelling: Using Simulation Models from Engineering Design to Plant Operations

Plant operators need deep training before the greenfield plant is started-up. Moreover, companies need to diminish potential operational problems related to the equipment sizing, control logic and safety systems by performing early analysis during the engineering design phases.

Maximizing Return on Operator Training Investment: Virtualization and Web-Based Technologies 

Inprocess oral contribution to the ESTEC: Energy Simulation Technology Exhibition and Conference hold in Barcelona, from May 30th to 31st, 2018.

Determination of Dry-Ice Formation during the Depressurization of a CO2 Re-Injection System

The associated gas of an oil-producing field in off-shore Brazil is treated to remove water, hydrocarbon condensate, H2S and CO2. For environmental reasons, the CO2-rich permeate stream from the gas treatment process must be re-injected into the reservoir.