Chemicals Company Significantly Reduces Startup Time of a New Plant by Using Aspen HYSYS®-Based Operator Training Simulator
Inprocess oral contribution to Aspentech’s Users Conference Beyond Optimize held online in October 2021.
Inprocess oral contribution to Aspentech’s Users Conference Beyond Optimize held online in October 2021.
Cryogenic distillation is the best candidate for hydrogen isotopic separation in fusion power plants. The design of the ITER’s Isotope Separation System can still undergo major changes due to its close contact with the Water Detritiation System and this will be decisive in the design of future DEMO detritiation facilities.
Dynamic Analysis helped to determine the adequate sizing of the unit’s equipment and of its protection measures.
El correcto funcionamiento de los procesos de producción en la Industria Química depende en gran medida del nivel de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes (KSA, por sus siglas en inglés) del que disponga el personal a cargo del cual están las operaciones de planta.
Finding bottlenecks in cooling water network to improve the operability of the plant and reduce the power consumption and waste of water.
The use of dynamic process simulation has been established in the last few years as a reliable and effective tool to analyse transient behaviour of process systems. The transient analysis of these operations is critical to evaluate the dynamic behaviour of the compressor system and the associated control and safety systems.
Inprocess posee una amplia experiencia en el desarrollo e implementación de herramientas en línea de gestión de la red de hidrógeno que han ayudado a la industria petroquímica y a las refinerías a obtener ahorros en la operación, sin inversiones de capital.
Inprocess oral contribution to Aspentech’s Users Conference Optimize 2021 held online in May 2021
Joint oral contribution to Aspentech’s Users Conference Optimize 2021 held online in May 2021.
The realization of nuclear fusion energy is nowadays based on the concept of tritium breeding and the success of the ITER experiment. The latter relies today on a static monitoring approach to fulfill the emission limits imposed by the regulatory institutions.