Holistic Modeling Approach for Oil & Gas Upstream Processes

In this webinar, you will discover how Inprocess’ innovative approach of integrating flow assurance and process dynamic simulations using IFLOW can optimize equipment sizing, enhance controllers’ parameters, and set precise alarm limits to ensure seamless facility operations.

How Dynamic Simulation Analysis Can Improve Gas Turbine Feed System Reliability and Availability

This webinar explores how dynamic process simulations, when used during the early design stage, can significantly improve the reliability of your gas turbine feed systems. These simulations can also help prevent costly shutdowns, leading to smoother operations.

ITOP-Practical Process Equipment Training

A comprehensive and engaging training tool designed specifically for operations staff in the chemical and hydrocarbon processing industries. It combined theory sessions, 3D animation, interactive virtual labs, and enables progress tracking with exercises.

New Refinery Operator Training Simulators (OTS) for existing brownfield conversion units. A Continuous Catalytic Reformer (CCR) example case

The CCR system plays a crucial role in the refining process, and any inefficiencies or breakdowns can have a significant impact on the productivity and safety of the facility. Having properly trained operators to handle its functioning is key for the entire refinery.

Cómo aumentar la seguridad de los procesos al mejorar la adquisición y retención de conocimientos de los operadores de planta química a través del uso de contenidos formativos digitales

Inprocess presenta con casos de éxito reconocibles, cómo hemos ayudado a operadoras químicas en la consecución de mayor seguridad en la planta, gracias a la planificación y diseño de la formación de los operadores, con nuestras soluciones y tecnologías innovativas.