Supporting the development of plant operators’ competence

Plan and follow-up operators’ professional development by digitizing and centralizing in a single training environment all new and old learning material.

Cooling Water Networks analysis


Inprocess simulation analysis of the cooling water network helps companies to improve the performance of the plant. When this study is carried out,  the result is that bottlenecks are identified and this way, the most critical points can be addressed with optimal solutions to improve the performance of the cooling water network …

Beyond Guesswork

During a flare release, the temperature of the flare network has a strong dependence on the relief source and on ambient conditions. During a relief of hot gases, contraction of the gases could occur due to the cool-down to ambient conditions. The rate of contraction velocity is accelerated if cooling leads to condensation of the contained gas components.

INGENO: Inprocess Generic Operator Training Simulators

INGENO: Inprocess Generic Operator Training Simulators

Generic Operator Training Simulators are extremely powerful training tools for acquiring the generic knowledge required by students and plant operators to understand the way complex producing units are operated from the plant control room consoles.

Ensuring a successful FPSO start-up by phased lifecycle approach of process Digital Twins 

Confirming FPSO process design/sizing, Control Narrative and ESD design is adequate and safe for all loads, transients and trips. Providing early Operator Training and refining your Operating Procedures before the ICSS is implemented. Detecting Bad Actors and process anomalies with online process Digital Twins.

Minimum Design Metal Temperature determination using Dynamic Simulation

A considerable amount of equipment and piping in Oil & Gas processing plants is exposed to very low or even cryogenic temperatures during some transient events such as emergency blowdowns, depressurization after prolonged shutdowns or start-ups. Material must be selected within proper temperature ranges according to the Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT).

Lifecycle Modelling: Using Simulation Models from Engineering Design to Plant Operations

Plant operators need deep training before the greenfield plant is started-up. Moreover, companies need to diminish potential operational problems related to the equipment sizing, control logic and safety systems by performing early analysis during the engineering design phases.