ICOM: Inprocess Competence Management System

ICOM is a powerful software tool aimed at managing, expanding and confirming the proficiency of your workforce, specifically the operators in the chemical and hydrocarbon processing industries.

Process Simulation Training Courses

Improve your ability and confidence in the use of the technology: Apply innovative simulation techniques to your daily tasks. Solve industry problems as efficiently as possible. Merge engineering knowledge with industry procedures. Take ownership of others’ simulations. Incorporate simulation best practices.

Inprocess Infrastructure Suite

One of the key components of an Operator Training System is the station from where the instructor leads and monitors the training sessions. Inprocess has developed an instructor station software that allows users to

Design and Troubleshooting of Compressor Systems by using Dynamic Process Simulation

The use of dynamic process simulation has been established in the last few years as a reliable and effective tool to analyse transient behaviour of process systems. The transient analysis of these operations is critical to evaluate the dynamic behaviour of the compressor system and the associated control and safety systems.