Steam Network Operation Assurance
Apply dynamic simulation to mitigate the impact of spurious upsets, which could affect the operability of your steam and electrical network.
Apply dynamic simulation to mitigate the impact of spurious upsets, which could affect the operability of your steam and electrical network.
During a flare release, the temperature of the flare network has a strong dependence on the relief source and on ambient conditions. During a relief of hot gases, contraction of the gases could occur due to the cool-down to ambient conditions. The rate of contraction velocity is accelerated if cooling leads to condensation of the contained gas components.
Generic Operator Training Simulators are extremely powerful training tools for acquiring the generic knowledge required by students and plant operators to understand the way complex producing units are operated from the plant control room consoles.
Inprocess oral contribution to Honeywell’s EMEA Users Conference held in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), in October 2019.
Inprocess oral contribution to Aspentech’s Users Conference Optimize 2019 held in Houston, TX (USA) in May 2019.
The authors present the results of the collaboration between Espindesa and Inprocess in order to develop a software tool that acts as a digital twin of a real nitric acid plant.
Inprocess oral contribution to the ESTEC: Energy Simulation Technology Exhibition and Conference hold in Barcelona, from May 30th to 31st, 2018.
Operator Training Simulators (OTS) have become an integral element of the Operator Competency Development Programs of the process industry. The dynamic simulation technology has evolved from the early days, incorporating new training functionalities and communication capabilities.
Producing plants must be safe and reliable. Plant Safety is strongly dependent on how well people responsible for running the facility (control room operators, CRO) are aware of its operation.
Process simulation is a technology used in many areas and project phases. Its usage ranges from the design stage of a plant (initial concept and front end engineering) to assistance in daily plant operations, including planning, optimisation and monitoring.