Relief Flare Analysis using a Dynamic Simulation Model of your Plant

The common solution in industry when a flare system reaches its limits it to increase its capacity: CAPEX solution. As experts of the domain, Inprocess proposes Dynamic Simulation Model for higher accuracy of behavior prediction as well as for alternative solutions for flare capacity issues.

Relief Flare Analysis using a Dynamic Simulation of your Plant

Inprocess oral contribution to MECCE held in May 2023. This presentation conducted by Dr. Miquel Angel Alos explains the benefits of dynamic simulation as an alternative method for defining relief loads and enhancing the understanding of relief processes.

Revalidación de sistemas de alivio de presión y de descarga a antorcha en la industria petroquímica

Conozca de primera mano, cómo Inprocess implementa los proyectos de revalidación de sistemas de antorcha en plantas petroquímicas, siguiendo las recomendaciones de la API, con el soporte de herramientas de simulación, tanto en estado estacionario como dinámico.

Dynamic Flare Load Analysis

Discover how Inprocess’ wide experience in dynamic flare analysis can help you to avoid acquiring unnecessary new materials and equipment in flare systems revalidation projects, without ever compromising safety.

Beyond Guesswork

During a flare release, the temperature of the flare network has a strong dependence on the relief source and on ambient conditions. During a relief of hot gases, contraction of the gases could occur due to the cool-down to ambient conditions. The rate of contraction velocity is accelerated if cooling leads to condensation of the contained gas components.

Determination of Dry-Ice Formation during the Depressurization of a CO2 Re-Injection System

The associated gas of an oil-producing field in off-shore Brazil is treated to remove water, hydrocarbon condensate, H2S and CO2. For environmental reasons, the CO2-rich permeate stream from the gas treatment process must be re-injected into the reservoir.