Multipurpose Dynamic
Simulate, predict, and optimize processes throughout the plant lifecycle, from Design to Operations.

Inprocess proposes the use of dynamic simulation models during the whole lifecycle, leveraging the invested modelling effort. For instance:
Dynamic Simulation Studies before plant construction:
Approximately 60% of the capital investment for a new producing plant is decided during its early design phases. By using a dynamic model at these stages to carry out some of the engineering studies, project costs could be driven down while sustaining the same project schedules and managing risks. The engineering dynamic simulation studies are carried out using a complete process model, including all relevant pieces of equipment with detailed design characteristics such as geometry of vessels, characteristic curves for valves, performance maps for compressors and pumps, sizing and parameters for columns, vessels and heat exchangers, controllers structure, insulation data for heat loss, elevations, reactions, thermodynamics, etc.
Assessment of Control Philosophy:
The configuration of the control systems can be better assessed by using a dynamic plant model (that creates realistic operating scenarios) than by the traditional static checkout method. The dynamic plant model allows control engineers to evaluate whether regulatory controls sustain reliable operation conditions; the approach to risky scenarios is avoided by safety systems; manual or automatic operating procedures for normal start up, normal shutdown, load change, product transitions, emergency shutdown, etc. work as expected; the configuration of the operator stations shows an operable environment of the process; the system alarms effectively warn the operators about process upsets.
DCS Check-out:
The integration of the dynamic process model with the soft-controller emulating the DCS creates an ideal environment to check out the pre-FAT configuration of the DCS database before its commissioning. The PCS and the SIS can be verified, identifying potential issues (controllers settings, alarms, interlocks, etc:) far in advance. Our experience shows that a DCS checkout with dynamic model can eliminate between 70% and 80% of the errors in the control system design before plant commissioning.
Control Room Operators Training:
Qualified personnel are the key to keeping a plant running safely and efficiently. Operator Training Simulators are tools that allow operators to practice on virtual plants. The core of this tool will be the dynamic model already used in the Dynamic Simulation Studies which will be connected to custom-made interfaces for operators and instructors

Dynamic Simulation Studies before Plant Construction
Approximately 60% of the capital investment for a new producing plant is decided during its early design phases. By using a dynamic model at these stages to carry out some of the engineering studies, project costs could be driven down while sustaining project schedule and managing risks.

Assessment of Control Philosophy
The configuration of the control systems can be better assessed by using a dynamic plant model (that creates realistic operating scenarios) than by the traditional static checkout method. The dynamic plant model allows control engineers to evaluate whether.

Process Trainer – Early OTS
Qualified personnel are the key to keeping a plant running safely and efficiently. Process trainers and OTS are tools that allow operators to practise on virtual plants. The core of this tool will be the dynamic model (either the one developed for preconstruction studies, if following the lifecycle approach; or a built-on-purpose model for the OTS), which will be connected to custom-made interfaces for operators and instructors.

DCS Check-out
For new plants (or revamped ones) with the new Distributed Control System (DCS), it is very convenient to take advantage of the Dynamic Simulation model being built for an OTS in order to carry out the so-called Virtual DCS FAT. The integration of the dynamic process model with the soft-controller emulating the DCS creates an ideal environment in which to check out the pre-FAT configuration of the DCS database before commissioning. The PCS and the SIS can be verified, identifying potential issues (controllers settings, alarms, interlocks, etc) far in advance.

OTS and Continuous Operator Training
An OTS is a suitable platform for operators on which to practise because it provides an environment to perform unfamiliar process and control tasks in a safe environment. Any mistake, any error will be converted into a lesson learnt without any real-life consequences. It is key to maintaining the practice of procedures as a regular task for operators and to providing refresher training at regular intervals and for whenever a modification in the plant or in the control or safety system is implemented.