Generic Operator Training Simulators are extremely powerful training tools for acquiring the generic knowledge required by students and plant operators to understand the way complex producing units are operated from the plant control room consoles.
INGENO is the Inprocess collection of generic OTSs that covers the training needs of most of the Operations personnel in the processing industries. The INGENO modules can be licensed one by one, or as a package, depending on the client current and future requirements.
INGENO modules replicate rigorously the behavior of the real processes by using first-principles dynamic process simulators, that send their calculated values to the generic operator consoles used by the students.
Who can Benefit from the use of INGENO?
- Corporations, with different producing sites in different locations, who are in need of setting up a corporate training centre, where employees receive a common education on the processes and the units that the corporation owns
- Students in training or educational institutions, looking for a wide-ranging instruction
- Operators in need of a refresh (or a deeper training) on the generalities of the processes, units and plants where they work daily
- Operators in plants with frequent staff rotation from unit to unit.

INGENO users operate the processing unit from a student interface that mimics a generic commercial DCS, so operators feel like if they were in front of a real console in a control room. Thanks to past specific client requests, Inprocess has been replicating interfaces of most of the commercial Distributed Control Systems (DCS) and it has developed a generic one for INGENO users.
The instructor, in a separate computer, through an easy-to-use graphical interface, interacts with students:
- starting and stopping the sessions,
- initiating scenarios,
- launching malfunctions,
- recording student actions and, when required,
- acting in the simulated exercises like the field operators would have in the real world
Inprocess generic operator training simulators
for different common producing units
Upstream Oil & Gas / Natural Gas
- Oil-Gas Separation Unit
- Gas Compression Unit
- Gas Sweetening with Amines Unit
- Gas Dehydration Unit (Glycol)
- Natural Gas Liquids Recovery Unit (Turboexpander)
- Liquefaction of Natural Gas (Cascaded Cycle) Unit
- Liquified Petroleum Gases Unit
- Merox Unit
- Energy Unit (Steam Turbines)

Oil Refining
- Crude Distillation Unit (CDU)
- Vacuum Distillation Unit (VDU)
- Diesel Hydrotreater Unit (HDS)
- Fluid Catalytic Cracker (FCC)
- Continuous Catalytic Reformer (CCR)
- Isocracker Unit (ICU)
- Hydrocracker Unit (HCU)
- Mild Hydrocracker (MHC)
- Delayed Coker Unit (DCU)
- Product Blending System

Fertilizer Industry
- Hydrogen Production Unit (HPU)
- Ammonia Plant
- Urea Plant
- Methanol Plant

Inprocess is actively developing additional processing units to add to its list of Generic OTSs in INGENO. Ask for anyone you might be interested in that does not appear in the lists above.