TC-SS01: Simulation of natural gas transmission and processing
Category: Process Simulation Courses
The governing engineering principles are reviewed, applied to relevant problems, which are then solved using commercial Process Simulators. Emphasis is placed on the understanding of the underlying concepts and principles as well as the associated applications of process simulators to solve real problems. The main objectives are:
- An overview of the natural gas industry from wellhead to marketplace.
- A discussion of principles and advances in natural gas transmission and processing.
- Offering practical advice on how to improve gas plant design and operations.
- Learning about the engineering principles used in simulating natural gas processing facilities.
This participative and interactive five day course covers the processes in the Natural Gas transmission and processing industry, using a commercial process simulator to carry out the calculations. The Elsevier’s Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission & Processing, co-authored by the course lecturer (Saeid Mokhatab, an internationally known expert in the field), is the basis for the material presented during theoretical morning lectures, coupled with comprehensive afternoon hands-on sessions based on typical gas transmission and processing facilities.